I had this whacky idea: could I build a Clojure program that could generate arbitrary Rick Rolling text? Turns out it wasn't as hard as I expected! Ok, so the text it generates isn't brilliant, but the code is incredibly simple.
I'm 5 hours into my learn the guitar challenge and, whilst it can be really frustrating, I'm really enjoying it: cat & girlfriend not so much. I'm using Rocksmith 2014 to learn and it's proving to be really good: on initial load you pick what you want to learn (lead, rhythm, bass), calibrate your guitar (so that it's not too loud for the game), and then tune it.
I can't move forward without looking back over 2013 and picking out my highlights.
I've decided to challenge myself in 2014 to learn the countries of the world. Here's what I currently know without cheating (if I misplaced a country it isn't in this list).
I'm redoing this blog in preparation for 2014 when I'm going to be setting myself some challenges: writing a blog post every week; learning all countries of the world; learning the guitar; running the 10 miles from work to home.